You are currently viewing Quentin Tarantino’s final film ‘The Movie Critic’ rumoured to be about critic Pauline Kael.
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Quentin Tarantino’s final film ‘The Movie Critic’ rumoured to be about critic Pauline Kael.

Movies are so rarely great art that if we cannot appreciate great trash we have very little reason to be interested in them.

– Pauline Kael

Is it a great movie? I don’t think so. But it’s a triumphant piece of filmmaking-journalism presented with the brio of drama. – New Yorker

No other film has ever dramatized urban indifference so powerfully; at first, here, it’s horrifyingly funny, and then just horrifying. – New Yorker

Scorsese designs his own form of alienation in this mistimed, empty movie, which seems to teeter between jokiness and hate.-New Yorker

The Movie Critic is the name of the script that Tarantino wrote and is prepping to direct this fall, according to sources.Logline details are being kept in a suitcase, but sources describe the story as being set in late 1970s Los Angeles with a female lead at its center.It is possible the story focuses on Pauline Kael, one of the most influential movie critics of all time. Kael, who died in 2001, was not just a critic but also an essayist and novelist. She was known for her pugnacious fights with editors as well as filmmakers. In the late 1970s, Kael had a very brief tenure working as a consultant for Paramount, a position she accepted at the behest of actor Warren Beatty. The timing of that Paramount job seems to coincide with the setting of the script — and the filmmaker is known to have a deep respect for Kael, making the odds of her being the subject of the film more likely. The filmmaker has long maintained he had a finite number of movies in him, saying he wanted to direct 10 films or retire by the time he was 60. The writer-director has made nine (if you count the two Kill Bill movies as one) and turns 60 later this month. He also has espoused a philosophy that directors get out of touch as they age. In 2012, he told Playboy, “I want to stop at a certain point. Directors don’t get better as they get older. Usually the worst films in their filmography are those last four at the end. I am all about my filmography, and one bad film f—s up three good ones. I don’t want that bad, out-of-touch comedy in my filmography, the movie that makes people think, ‘Oh man, he still thinks it’s 20 years ago.’ When directors get out-of-date, it’s not pretty.”

Pauline Kael on The İtalian Look

Pauline Kael on The First İmpression